1 Pursuant to art. 64 of the Consumer Code, the Client can withdraw from the contract, without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within 14 working days of receipt of the products at the destination specified upon purchasing the item sending an email to returns@avanblanc.com detailing:
- name and surname;
- purchase order number;
- the compensation the Client is seeking for between, alternatively:
- change of item or reimbursement
2 The Seller will treat as not received any request for withdrawal which does not meet the above mentioned requirements, or that is sent beyond the above mentioned time limit, and therefore the Client will be prevented from exercising his/her right of withdrawal, unless the Client timely sends the necessary documentation within the time limit.
3 Once the Seller receives the duly filled in request for withdrawal, the Seller will provide written confirmation to the Client specifying the return number, which shall be used in all future communications relating to the product’s return and reimbursement.
4 The Client must return the product at his/her own expenses within the time limit specified in paragraph 1 to the following address: AVANBLANC, Via Gramsci 31, 51015 Monsummano Terme (PT) – ITALY.
5 The Client will bear all risks arising from the chosen delivery method (e.g. loss of, or damage to, the products).
6 To duly exercise his/her right of withdrawal the Client must comply with the following rules:
6.1 the Client must abstain from wearing or using the product, and the product must not present any sign of use;
6.2 the product must be complete of its card, label, bag, and box which were provided at the time of the purchase, and which shall be considered as a part of the product;
6.3 the Client must return the product with its original packaging. The Client is allowed to use alternative packaging so long as it guarantees the product’s integrity and adequate protection based on common experience.
7 Once the Seller has received the returned product and ensured compliance by the Client with the requirements in the paragraph above, the Seller gives the Client the chosen consideration, bearing in mind that:
7.1 the change of product is subject to the availability of the new product;
7.2 the Seller passes the amount to the credit of the Client’s credit card or bank account used for the payment within 30 days of the product’s return. The timing of the credit operation varies based on the bank. Reimbursements are in the same currency as the one used for the original transaction. The Seller will not compensate for any differences that may be due to the fluctuations of the exchange rate.
8 If, upon receipt of the returned product, the Seller ascertains that one of the requirements which legitimate the withdrawal are not met, the Seller will promptly (i) communicate to the Client the reasons why the Client cannot exercise his/her right of withdrawal, (ii) ask the Client to pay the costs that are necessary to deliver the product to the Client again, and (iii) retain the amounts that the Client has already paid, without reimbursing the purchase.
9 The rules set out in this article which govern the right of withdrawal do not apply to customised products pursuant to art. 10 of these General Sales Conditions.